God’s redemptive acts demand our response
Passage Acts 2: 14-39, Psalm 110
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Service Evening
You shall not covet
Passage Exodus 20: 1-21, 1Kings 21:1-16
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Series 10 commandments- God's law of freedom
Tags 10-commandments--god's-law-of-freedom
Service Morning
Blessed are the pure in heart
Passage Matthew 4:23-5:12
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Series The Beatitudes
Tags the beatitudes
Service Bible Study
The Spirit of Jesus comes down on His temple
Passage Acts 2:1-13 , Exodus 34:10-27
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Service Evening
True signs of a Christian
Passage 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:9 , 1 John 2:28-3:24
Speaker Jason Hydon
Service Bible Study
How does waiting look like?
Passage Acts 1:12-26 , Psalm 121
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Service Evening
It’s all about Christ’s Ascension
Passage Acts 1:1 - 12, Psalm 68
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Service Evening
Resurrection = Peace, Purpose and Joy
Passage Luke 24: 1-9, and 36-53
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Series Easter
Tags Easter
Service Morning
The signs of the cross – will you ignore them
Passage Matthew 27:45-54, Psalm 22
Speaker Andrzej Stelmasiak
Series Easter
Tags Easter
Service Good Friday